Frequently Asked Questions

You have questions, we have answers

1. Database

Q: Where do you gather the data for the database?

A: Businesses are welcome to add their profiles to our extensive database. By filling out the necessary form, your business can be easily searchable by others looking to make local connection from right here in New Jersey.

Q: How can edit the information for my business?

A: Business owners can edit their company information via their profile. If you need help logging in please feel free to reach out to our support staff at

Q: If I want to find a pizza equipment company, what steps should I take to do so?

A: The fastest way to find a supplier you're interest in is to head over to our database and use the search field. From there, you can utilize the filtering options to better target businesses by location, size, and supplies.

2. General information

Q: My business is technically in New York, but I would like to be included here. Can I add my business?

A: Sorry but this database is intended to strictly highlight and connect businesses physically located in the great state of New Jersey. There are other tools you can utilize to help get your business set up in similar databases.